[BugFix] HiFiBerry DAC+ HW Volume (RuneAudio 0.3-beta)

Raspberry Pi related support

Re: [BugFix] HiFiBerry DAC+ HW Volume (RuneAudio 0.3-beta)

Postby 123456 » 10 Nov 2015, 13:20

Sorry for the late answer.
I was way from the pi.
Here are my results:
Code: Select all
[root@runeaudio ~]# redis-cli hset acards_details snd_rpi_hifiberry_dacplus "{\"sysname\":\"snd_rpi_hifiberry_dacplus\",\"extlabel\":\"HiFiBerry DAC+ (I²S)\",\"mixer_numid\":\"1\",\"mixer_control\":\"Playback Digital\",\"hwplatformid\":\"01\",\"type\":\"i2s\"}"
(integer) 0

[root@runeaudio ~]# php /var/www/command/refresh_ao
amixer: Unable to find simple control 'Playback Digital',0

Notice: Undefined offset: 0 in /srv/http/app/libs/runeaudio.php on line 1793

Warning: socket_write(): unable to write to socket [32]: Broken pipe in /srv/http/app/libs/runeaudio.php on line 99

Harware volume control is still impossible.
But I really like that, compared to Volumio, no restart is requird for applying changes.

Is there another way, to make those changes?
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Re: [BugFix] HiFiBerry DAC+ HW Volume (RuneAudio 0.3-beta)

Postby hondagx35 » 10 Nov 2015, 19:05

Hi 123456,

the steps are:

- set the new details for your card:
Code: Select all
redis-cli hset acards_details snd_rpi_hifiberry_dacplus "{\"sysname\":\"snd_rpi_hifiberry_dacplus\",\"extlabel\":\"HiFiBerry DAC+ (I²S)\",\"mixer_numid\":\"1\",\"mixer_control\":\"Playback Digital\",\"hwplatformid\":\"01\",\"type\":\"i2s\"}"

- update database
Code: Select all
php /var/www/db/redis_acards_details

- refresh alsa settings
Code: Select all
php /var/www/command/refresh_ao

The right setting for "mixer_control" can be found in the debug data (MENU->Debug).

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Re: [BugFix] HiFiBerry DAC+ HW Volume (RuneAudio 0.3-beta)

Postby 123456 » 10 Nov 2015, 19:54

Hello Frank,

I tried a bit on my own.
First step was:
Code: Select all

Bildschirmfoto 2015-11-10 um 19.13.18.png
Bildschirmfoto 2015-11-10 um 19.13.18.png (40.55 KiB) Viewed 1990 times

As you can see, PCM is the first control and works quite good.
So I did this:
Code: Select all
redis-cli hset acards_details snd_rpi_hifiberry_dacplus "{\"sysname\":\"snd_rpi_hifiberry_dacplus\",\"extlabel\":\"HiFiBerry DAC+ (I²S)\",\"mixer_numid\":\"1\",\"mixer_control\":\"PCM\",\"hwplatformid\":\"01\",\"type\":\"i2s\"}"


Got an error:
Code: Select all
Warning: socket_write(): unable to write to socket [32]: Broken pipe in /srv/http/app/libs/runeaudio.php on line 99

Next step was:
nemus wrote:Edit /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf
Code: Select all
blacklist snd_bcm2835
blacklist snd_soc_hifiberry_dac

Than reboot.

Now airplay:
ChiiFii wrote:edit the hardwaredevice in /usr/lib/systemd/system/shairport.service on line 11
in my case: hw:1,0 to hw:0,0
Code: Select all
ExecStart=/usr/bin/shairport -w --name=RuneAudio --on-start=$ON --on-stop=$OFF --meta-dir=/var/run/shairport -o alsa -- -d hw:0,0

systemctl daemon-reload

systemctl restart shairport

The command made an error. I used nano instead.
At last: reboot

Hardwaremixer is working now.
I left this away:
hondagx35 wrote:- update database
Code: Select all
php /var/www/db/redis_acards_details

Could this cause any trouble?
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Re: [BugFix] HiFiBerry DAC+ HW Volume (RuneAudio 0.3-beta)

Postby Jan1959 » 23 Nov 2015, 18:34

I posted ealier

by Jan1959 » 14 Oct 2015, 18:49
I also post it (already) in the rune audio 0.3 beta post.
Probably wrong so i put it here once more (or again).

Is there a version of runeaudio with the right hifiberry+ analog and HW volume for the raspberry 2B that works directly without the correction that is mentioned in this post. I am a complet noob in linux. Probably a version 0.31-beta. I wil save a lot of studying how linux, putty, shh etc works.

Thank you for your answer in advantage.

Because i got no reply a tried for several hours to learn wat putty is etc.
I copied the code etc and nothing happens.
For the case i damaged the initial code i downloaded it again and tried three times to get mine hifiberry as an option,
Nothing for so far. :x

I see more people struggling to get it working.
I thought it was een little thing to update the initial 0.3 version so all the things goes a bit smoother.
Probably it is a big thing to update it into a 0.3b version with the hifiberry and HW volume bug solved.

Can anybody tell me what to do so i can enjoy mine raspberry in combination with mine hifiberry.
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Re: [BugFix] HiFiBerry DAC+ HW Volume (RuneAudio 0.3-beta)

Postby matock » 24 Nov 2015, 18:24

Hi all,

Same for me, my HifiBerry DAC+ is not recognized on Raspberry Pi2 and RuneAUdio 0.3beta.

I tested all possible solutions exposed in that long thread and none of them is working:
- 3 different "redis-cli" commands
- with or without "blacklist.conf"
- 2 different way to call "refresh_ao"
- with or without calling "redis_acards_details" command

Every time the refresh_ao fails with errors:
Code: Select all
Notice: Undefined offset: 0 in /srv/http/app/libs/runeaudio.php on line...
Warning: socket_write(): unable to write to socket [32]: Broken pipe in /srv/http/app/libs/runeaudio.php on line 99

Is anybody have a clear and definitive solution for this?
Is the HifiBerry DAC+ is really compatible or not?

Many thanks
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Re: [BugFix] HiFiBerry DAC+ HW Volume (RuneAudio 0.3-beta)

Postby sylvain » 24 Nov 2015, 19:59

Hi all,

Could someone help me with the hardware volume issue please ? (i've tried many workarounds in this thread)

I'm running a Rasp2, and a 9023 SABRE audiophonic DAC (Hiberry driver),

Here's my debug details : http://pastebin.com/2Fg2e4F3

Thanks... :roll:
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Re: [BugFix] HiFiBerry DAC+ HW Volume (RuneAudio 0.3-beta)

Postby Jan1959 » 24 Nov 2015, 20:33

The last 3 post, please mr. Orion is there anyway to post a working download with the hifiberry working.
Or should we wait for 0.4 for the bug fix in the initial download.

Thank you for your answer in advance.
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Re: [BugFix] HiFiBerry DAC+ HW Volume (RuneAudio 0.3-beta)

Postby hondagx35 » 24 Nov 2015, 21:03

@ Jan1959 and matock,

Orion is there anyway to post a working download with the hifiberry working.

First, Hifiberry DAC+ works fine on all versions.
The only thing that doesn't work on all versions out of the box is hardware volume.
You have two options:
- Update your system via git
Code: Select all
cd /srv/http/
git stash
git pull

- get the image from here. The local browser is optional, so don't worry about this.


Your DAC doesn't have a hardware volume control.
From the hifiberry site:
Q: Does it have a volume control?
A: Our new HiFiBerry DAC+ board comes with an integrated volume control. However the older HiFIBerry DAC uses the digital data without any post-processing. It will output the sound stream with the volume the application feeds it. Many applications can use an internal volume control (so called software volume control). If the application you want to use does not have a software volume control, you can’t control the volume by software. However the best way to control the software is a analog volume control after the DAC. While software volume control is an option, it will reduce signal-to-noise ratio. If you connect the DAC to your amplifier, you should use the volume control of your amplifier.

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Re: [BugFix] HiFiBerry DAC+ HW Volume (RuneAudio 0.3-beta)

Postby matock » 24 Nov 2015, 22:45

Hi again,

I found how to activate the audio card in PDM settings.

Just edit the /boot/config.txt file
Code: Select all
nano /boot/config.txt

uncomment the line corresponding to your card (start from line 42)
Code: Select all

and reboot.
This will work for any HifiBerry or IQaudIO card.
(source http://support.hifiberry.com/hc/en-us/a ... -or-higher and post5386.html#p5386)

I found it after reading hundreds of posts. I'm a little bit angry, really. Why this obvious thing is not mentioned in the documentation section? It will avoid to loose hours for many and to spam the forum for nothing.

But the main issue from this thread remains: the HW volume control doesn't work. As I understood, this a bug. Ok, it is something that I can accept. this is a beta release after all, I can wait. sorry guys for the anger, but it relieves!

Nevertheless, a very good job have been done here. Many many thanks... and stay concentrated.
Last edited by matock on 10 Dec 2015, 09:19, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: [BugFix] HiFiBerry DAC+ HW Volume (RuneAudio 0.3-beta)

Postby hondagx35 » 25 Nov 2015, 16:24

Hi matock,

I found it after reading hundreds of posts.

I thought it would be enough to put this hint on the settings page:
RuneOS kernel settings
Linux Kernel
There are no other kernels available at the moment!
I²S kernel modules
Enable I²S output by selecting one of the available sets of modules (in this version you have to edit /boot/config.txt), specific for each hardware. Once set, the output interface will appear in the MPD configuration select menu, and modules will also auto-load from the next reboot.
Sound Signature (optimization profiles)
These profiles include a set of performance tweaks that act on some system kernel parameters. It does not have anything to do with DSPs or other sound effects: the output is kept untouched (bit perfect). It happens that these parameters introduce an audible impact on the overall sound quality, acting on kernel latency parameters (and probably on the amount of overall jitter). Sound results may vary depending on where music is listened, so choose according to your personal taste. (If you can't hear any tangible differences... nevermind, just stick to the default settings.)

In the docs (see here you are pointed to the settings page.

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