SPDIF input via USB, will it work ?

Raspberry Pi related support

SPDIF input via USB, will it work ?

Postby alec_eiffel » 26 Sep 2016, 18:59

HI all, I am new here and excitingly running RuneAudio on a Raspberry PI 3 since yesterday! I am playing through a DIgi+ HIfiberry output connected to my my "oldie but goldie" Proton AS2640 as DAC and preamp, then home made T-AMP powering 2 home made "Falcon" 2-way speakers.

I plan to upgrade to a HifiBerry DAC+ with hardware control, linear power supply, and get rid of the preamp, so that all control volume and sources are managed through RuneUI. This means I need to feed RuneAUdio with the SPDIF output of my TV receiver (which is currently connected to the Proton Preamp).

Does anyone know how to conveniently add a SPDIF input to the Raspberry PI and make it work with Rune Audio ?

I found the following but I am unsure about the capability of Rune Audio to accept and manage USB streams in MPD.

Thanks all for your help!
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Joined: 26 Sep 2016, 16:18

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