I am having difficulty loading the software on my sd using a Mac Pro Catalina. I was nervous using Terminal on my new Mac Mini that I might mess up the Mini. With Disk Utility I discovered that the sd was identified as in disk2s1 and was able to unmount the sd. But each time I tried to write the program to the sd it never finished even after 5 min. Perhaps the problem is formatting the card. The choices that I have for formatting the card are Mac OS Extended, MS-DOS(FAT), and ExFAT. I have tried both MS-DOS(FAT) and ExFAT.
The command I was using was "sudo dd bs=1m if=/Users/bob/Desktop/RuneAudio_rpi2_rp3_0.4-beta_20160321_2GB.img of=/dev/disk2" I also tried "......of=dev/disk2s1"
I copied and pasted in the name of the file I downloaded.
What could be my problem?