List of supported WiFi chips / devices?

Raspberry Pi related support

List of supported WiFi chips / devices?

Postby Max Payload » 14 Feb 2022, 08:26

My problem is i have an older Raspi 2B and i want to run Runeaudio on it. Now i have some WiFi USB-devices available but they are all "modern" like 150N and 300N and it looks like they are not supported within Runeaudio. I found they are also not supported in Moode-Audio but they work just fine in Volumio (out of the box). So it looks like there is a difference in some kernel file? I found this old posting:


Now i did not test this (yet) because its an old posting and i don't know the correct filenames i should use but it would be nice to have a list of the supported WiFi devices / chipsets. Does this exists somewhere?

Thank you

Max Payload
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Joined: 24 Jan 2022, 20:02

Re: List of supported WiFi chips / devices?

Postby eea123 » 17 Feb 2022, 13:20

You don't have any way to use ethernet? I ask because I am using v0.4 on a PI 2B, but have never tried WiFi. It seems like this is more of a function (or lack thereof) of the PI rather than Rune Audio?
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Re: List of supported WiFi chips / devices?

Postby Max Payload » 18 Feb 2022, 09:54

Hello, Thank you for your comment. No, ethernet is not an option in my case.Why? As a hobby i "convert" old 1940/50/60's radio's to internet radio's. Choosing the one's that have a real cool look the end result is awesome. Making sure the "on/off" push-buttons switch the radio on/off and, if possible make the volume-dial working by using the small amp's that are in (recycled) external PC-speakers. Now about the WiFi-drivers; I did some digging and found a list of WiFi adapter chipsets that are supported by Raspian by default and ordered one of these (older type) to see if it works (not arrived yet). One would assume some kind of "unity" when it comes to the used kernels or kernel "extras" (both seem to house drivers). As mentioned, Volumio does support every dongle i plug into the 2B but has serious privacy issues. Then there is Moode-Audio, works out of the box on a Raspi Zero-2W but, just like Runeaudio only supports the DAC-shields (expensive) and a limited amount of WiFi chipsets. Given time i will attempt "transplant" the kernel from Volumio to Runeaudio but, i am not a Linux expert so will see.
Max Payload
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Joined: 24 Jan 2022, 20:02

Re: List of supported WiFi chips / devices?

Postby Max Payload » 24 Feb 2022, 09:00


So i found a solution that works on (at least) a Raspberry-Pi 2 and 3. And its actually pure logic.

As noted it looked like more modern 150/300N USB WiFi-dongles did not work because there chip sets are not supported from within RuneAudio (or MoodAudio) so the solution is to get a dongle with a chip set that is supported.

On the Raspian WiKi there is a list of WiFi chip sets that are supported by Raspian. From this list i choose the Ralink RT3070 chipset because it supports both "normal" operations and AP-mode. You can find these on Aliexpress for a few bucks. Works perfect on both RuneAudio and MoodeAudio. Tested successful on Raspi 2, 2B and 3.

Problem solved...
Max Payload
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Joined: 24 Jan 2022, 20:02

Re: List of supported WiFi chips / devices?

Postby Owenpaul » 14 Aug 2024, 07:20

Running RuneAudio on a Raspberry Pi 2B can be a bit tricky with WiFi support, especially since not all USB WiFi adapters are compatible
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Re: List of supported WiFi chips / devices?

Postby LeighP » 18 Aug 2024, 16:43 - the new place for rAudio.
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