is this a db limitation

Raspberry Pi related support

is this a db limitation

Postby tsawyer » 31 Jul 2024, 03:02

I've been trying to solve this problem for a while. I am trying to use a nas (omv) to host my music and just point any rune to that share. what I keep finding is the indexing of file never completes. the share is 183 gb and it reads some stuff. but don't ever think you can add new music to the share and be able to play it. this also includes trying to update a single directory as opposed updating the whole share.

how do I set up rune to read a larger share consistently? this is pretty much the difference for me of using rune (a far more mature app) or having to use something else
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Joined: 05 Jul 2017, 03:02

Re: is this a db limitation

Postby johnirwin » 09 Aug 2024, 04:59

I think you can try adding new music in smaller batches or individual directories. This can help Rune process the changes more efficiently.
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Joined: 08 Aug 2024, 04:54

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