"How transfer coop game server?"

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"How transfer coop game server?"

Postby HingxoGamchu » 24 Apr 2024, 07:14

How can one effectively transfer a cooperative game save file, along with the hosting setup, to a dedicated server?
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Joined: 13 Feb 2024, 13:03

Re: "How transfer coop game server?"

Postby SurajkaliMotiar » 02 May 2024, 06:31

Transferring a co-op save to a dedicated server often involves:

Copying the save file: Locate the save file on the host's PC and copy it to the dedicated server. (Consult game's documentation for save file location)
Server setup: Follow the game's dedicated server setup instructions, which may involve transferring additional configuration files.
Player data (optional): Some games require transferring player data folders for character progress on the dedicated server.
Difficulty varies by game: Some games offer built-in tools for easy transfer, while others may require manual file manipulation. Check the game's official forums or community resources koows echat for specific instructions.
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Joined: 18 Feb 2024, 07:36

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