change volume incremental

Raspberry Pi related support

change volume incremental

Postby aistaca » 25 Jun 2017, 01:54

Hi all,

First I appologize if I posted on the wrong section, not sure where to begin. I was wondering if it's possible to change the volume increment steps from the default. I'm using software volume control and a USB soundcard that has volume control. Seems that the volume control command is very similar with volume ctrl in keyboard (increase and decrease). By default it has increment of +5 and -5 (not dB, just common 0-100 volume control on the UI), is it possible to change this, say to have +- 1 increment instead? While on it, is it also possible to change the increment in the UI (by default +-1 from the volume button)?

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Joined: 05 Jun 2017, 12:15

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