Support Dirble

Help wanted! How to contribute to RuneAudio project

Support Dirble

Postby ACX » 26 Jan 2016, 14:54

Since its first version, RuneAudio integrates Dirble as directory of streaming web radios, because it's a great service with thousands of selected stations and because it's open (you can add your favorite stations and they will be available for everyone). All this comes for free for RuneAudio end users, but has service costs for its creator and maintainer:

Håkan Nylén wrote:I pay 120 EUR monthly to keep Dirble alive, and thanks to our paid customer I get back 45 EUR per month. And I hope by your help we can go ±0 per month for now on.

If you use Dirble inside RuneAudio please consider to support it by donating at least once at this address:
Let's keep Dirble alive and well!
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