RuneUI with Chrome's "Add to Homescreen" feature

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Re: RuneUI with Chrome's "Add to Homescreen" feature

Postby mars68 » 10 Dec 2014, 10:27

The Safari / iOS8 issue is indeed a bit more subtle:
- launching the app in fullscreen mode while the iPad is horizontal (landscape) triggers the issue, i.e. empty space at the bottom instead of top
- now launching the app while the device is vertical (portrait) gives a correct layout.

Even better, if you start the UI vertical, then you can rotate the device and it keeps correct layout. If your start the UI horizontal, will keep incorrect layout even if you rotate.

The behaviour on an iPhone is slightly different and always correct because while the device is horizontal the battery / time signal bar is never displayed anyway.
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Re: RuneUI with Chrome's "Add to Homescreen" feature

Postby tushma » 11 Sep 2015, 12:04

Sorry. Help! Cant find how to add Rune UI Homescreen on Chrome. Only trough Chrome bookmark page, But no Rune icon on my desktop. Thnx in advance!
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Re: RuneUI with Chrome's "Add to Homescreen" feature

Postby hondagx35 » 11 Sep 2015, 16:05

Hi tushma,

the "create application shortcut" feature has been replaced with "add to taskbar" which will add app shortcuts to the Google Apps Launcher or into the Chrome taskbar (ChromeOS) or Windows taskbar (Windows).

To create an Application Shortcut yourself, you can use the following procedure:

    * Copy the Chrome Icon shortcut to the computer desktop
    * Right-click the copied icon and select "Properties"
    * In the Target box, at the very end put a space and then --app=http://runeaudio

http://runeaudio can be replaced with your PIs ip address.

If you like you can replace the icon with something like this:
favicon-192x192.png (1.75 KiB) Viewed 13066 times

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