RuneAudio Remote Control for Android

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Re: RuneAudio Remote Control for Android

Postby avvy65 » 31 Oct 2017, 13:36

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Re: RuneAudio Remote Control for Android

Postby elliotn » 03 Nov 2017, 04:26

In order for the discovery to work, you need to be on a nightly release. Discovery is via zeroconf, avahi, etc. For example, here's what my system looks like from my mac, minus the mac addresses:

$ dns-sd -B . | grep -i rune

21:23:12.457 Add 3 11 local. _http._tcp. RuneAudio [star] [xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx]
21:23:12.457 Add 3 4 local. _http._tcp. RuneAudio [star] [xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx]

If you are on a nightly build and still having problems, you can go to support/credits and manually enter the IP of your RuneAudio device.

Good luck.
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Re: RuneAudio Remote Control for Android

Postby hondagx35 » 03 Nov 2017, 10:57

Hi avvy65,

please read the .

With my it will work without modifications, with all other you have to follow the doc.

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Re: RuneAudio Remote Control for Android

Postby avvy65 » 03 Nov 2017, 11:46

I am using the latest version :RuneAudio_rpi2_rp3_0.4-beta_20170229_2GB.img.gz as it happens.

I re installed the 0.4 beta version again, and the good news is that both my android phone and tablet now load up the runeaudio app .
The bad news is that for some reason there is no audio from either device , but there is from the pi 3.

Is it not possible to get audio out from the android devices, but then again if it is only a remote control then the answer is no

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Re: RuneAudio Remote Control for Android

Postby hondagx35 » 03 Nov 2017, 16:31

Hi avvy65,

yes as the name says it is only a remote control.

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Re: RuneAudio Remote Control for Android

Postby bhwoodsman » 04 Dec 2017, 17:04

I am unable to discover a properly networked and working Odroid C1+ with Android 7.1.X devices. The RuneAudio UI 1.1.4 downloaded and installed from Google Play Store.

I have scoured the Docs, searched the Forum, and retried discovery. Perhaps I am naive but I'm finding a lot of assumption one must be a Linux expert or at least competent at editing in console to make and keep this going. My work in Linux is in it's infancy. I would be glad to study detailed instructions to learn the OS.

My Odroid C1+ is working fine. I want and it is networked via Ethernet to my router through a switch. I am able to access it through RuneAudio.local using either a Win 10 or Linux Mint computer wirelessly to the router. I am very pleased with the utility and sound. But the goal was to operate this media device headlessly with the two Andoid tablets and my spouses android phone.

With the player Odroid booted up (less than 20 seconds from SanDisk UHS-1 Class 10 microsd) launching the RuneAudio UI app from either Android tablet results in the spinning arrow and shortly a message to try again. No other prompt to configure just a link back to something I've already studied.
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Re: RuneAudio Remote Control for Android

Postby Chris63 » 05 Feb 2018, 20:58


I'm new to this Forum so apology's if I posted this in the wring place. I have my Rune Audio installed on a brand new Raspberry Pi3 latest image installed on SD card. It all works fine on LAN via my Firefox Browser on my PC but I cannot get it to work with my tablet, which loaded the application without any warnings, it's a Nexus 7 running Android 6.0.1.

I have tried to follow your guide on the remote page but as I'm running PC I don't know how I can access the Raspberry OS without a screen and keyboard for the device, assuming your software even allows this. So when I reached the section about setting parameters I'm lost as can't see a way to get into the Linux system. I also tried on Blue Tooth but couldn't see a way.

As no information is provided with the Pi I don't even know if it needs a wireless USB adaptor but tried one anyway knowing that I had no was of entering any settings, obviously nothing happened. I can search for wireless connection in my tablet but assumed that your application would auto locate the Rune software if it was detected. The Pi states it has Wireless & Blue Tooth on the box so can only assume it's on-board already but it doesn't work. If there's a link to a guide to get this set up please tell me. There seems to be a lack of basic information available, like answers to my questions regarding wireless. The player has to have remote control as having to have it connected to my PC via LAN cable defeats the object as I already have audio media players on the PC.

Hope you can guide me or provide a set up link that I can use considering I only have a PC with a LAN cable to connect to the Pi. My assumption being the Pi is booting up a dedicated program (Rune Audio) and will have no user interface without a browser?

Thanks in advance, best wishes, Chris.
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Re: RuneAudio Remote Control for Android

Postby Coreen » 23 Mar 2018, 17:36

it looks like my phone is able to use Avahi to find _mpd._tcp. What algorithm is RuneAudio Remote Control using to find the RuneAudio server?
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Re: RuneAudio Remote Control for Android

Postby Pete » 20 Nov 2018, 20:22

Hi to all

I have just installed RuneAudio (RuneAudio 0.5-beta for all Raspberry Pi models) onto a Pi B model. The interface look amazing . My congratulations to the dev team!

I have a OnePlus 3 Android phone running Android 8.0.0

I have installed the Rune app from the lay store but when I launch it, it says "Rune device not found".

Please could you advise how I can fix this?

Thank you in advance.
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RuneAudio Remote Control for Android

Postby amink67 » 14 Jul 2020, 23:48

Is runeaudio+R e4 supported ?

Updated the config as suggested in the manual, but no luck.
Device is not detected and there seems no way to add/force it manually.
Keep it nice :)

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