RaspberryPi bluetooth connection to speaker?

Raspberry Pi related support

RaspberryPi bluetooth connection to speaker?

Postby gibon » 21 May 2023, 14:33

if it was possible to connect a RPI to a bluetooth speaker BUT with an OS with a nice and easy to use user interface like Volumio, Runeaudio,

compatible with touchscreen and without buying or adding any extra features or objects (like a bluetooth DAC if it exists for example, just a RPI)

At that time there were no possibilities to use such an OS with a bluetooth speaker connected to the RPI itself. Well according to one of the last answers it was possible but not natively and was a pain in the ... to make it work (and I am not a rocket scientist nor really smart).

Is there now some OS I can use on the RPI with a nice music-looking-gui that can be used by kids (nothing too complicated like MOC and that can connect to a bluetooth speaker. For information, music will be on a USB stick plugged into the RPI. LibreElec and OSMC are not what I am looking for.

I am really looking for a "music style" interface and nothing like a regular player. I just want my family to touch some "folder" on the touchscreen and then play their music through the bluetooth speaker in the house. Nothing too fancy like spotify, just a regular USB stick with the musics plugged in the RPI. As far as I know I don't need anything else (no web interface required, ...)

I have a RPI3b+ and will have a RPI4.
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Joined: 21 May 2023, 14:23

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