Playlist changes silently discarded

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Playlist changes silently discarded

Postby nome » 03 Apr 2017, 07:13

In the queue tab, when I've loaded a playlist and made some changes (e.g. added some tracks), then choose "Save current queue as playlist" and enter the name of an existing playlist, the playlist is not updated although no error is shown.

Expected behavior: Update the exlsting playlist; or at least display a message stating that the queue has not been saved because the given playlist exists.

release version: 0.3 (build: beta-20141027)

The forum doesn't allow me to include the suggested debug info because it's too long (69624 characters, exceeding the limit of 60000), but it's probably not required in this case anyway.
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Joined: 03 Apr 2017, 07:00

Re: Playlist changes silently discarded

Postby hondagx35 » 03 Apr 2017, 10:27

Hi nome,

welcome to RuneAudio.
the playlist is not updated although no error is shown.

This is a known issue and already solved on the newer images.
The Pi1 image will be updated soon.

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Re: Playlist changes silently discarded

Postby raptors_67 » 17 May 2018, 03:25

Is the upcoming release planning to address this issue by saving overtop of the existing playlist?
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