Maximum queue size?

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Maximum queue size?

Postby GRUPP » 04 Oct 2018, 20:59

I'm trying to create a playlist that contains all of my non-Christmas, non-classical songs. Admittedly, that's a LOT of music, maybe 5,000 songs. I'm only able to get about half way (about 2300) songs. After that, the queue doesn't seem to accept any additional songs. Is there a maximum number of songs that can be in the queue at once?

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Re: Maximum queue size?

Postby hondagx35 » 05 Oct 2018, 09:02

Hi Rick,

the "max_playlist_length" can be defined in mpd.conf.
On a standard installation it is not set, so mpd (the music player daemon used by Rune) uses its default.

max_playlist_length <number>
This specifies the maximum number of songs that can be in the playlist. The default is 4096.

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Re: Maximum queue size?

Postby janui » 05 Oct 2018, 10:26

Hi Rick,
hondagx35 wrote:the "max_playlist_length" can be defined in mpd.conf.
On a standard installation it is not set, so mpd (the music player daemon used by Rune) uses its default.
After testing, you can add this parameter automatically to the mpd.conf file by logging in via SSH and executing this command:
Code: Select all
redis-cli hset mpdconf max_playlist_length 6000
In this example the limit will be set to 6000. You need to reboot to activate it, after that it will always be included automatically. You can check this in the Debug UI.
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Re: Maximum queue size?

Postby refssasy » 24 Feb 2023, 02:51

Once you reboot, it will be permanently enabled and available to you. Through the Debug User Interfacecolor by number, you may verify this.
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