Sound signatures?

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Re: Sound signatures?

Postby pistollero » 15 Oct 2015, 11:14

For me the archlinux and the runeaudio have less definition and micro detail but have more bass. The others are better the Orion v2 has thin sound but better definition. I use the last on the list.

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Re: Sound signatures?

Postby hansh64 » 31 Oct 2015, 21:18

Can the sound signature settings be changed on the fly? I tried experimenting with different settings from OrionV2 to Umm3ggh1U while playing the same song. If I remember correctly, the first time ever I changed the settings RuneUI told me to reboot, but after that no more.

I am afraid I cannot hear any audible differences (I thought I did at the beginning but I think my imagination played me...) when changing settings on the fly. However, a certain amount of time I also used a 9 year old Dell laptop (docked with USB 2.0 ports on the dock) with a minimal Fedora (server) install and MPD and the sound on the same DAC was somewhat less detailed, more bassy, less clinical than my RPi2. So there are certainly differences in how to feed the DAC.

FYI, using Micromega MyDac thru USB.
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Re: Sound signatures?

Postby Frost_dk » 23 Nov 2015, 20:48

Sorry for my english. I believe that i am one of them that CAN hear a difference, and that this difference is a big reason to why i use RuneAudio on my Pi.
I really love Orion (More spacious, with a lot of Room information), Orion V2 (very "Tight", a bit over damped for my room,but great in rooms with more lively acoustics), and Uggunau ( On my setup it is a good compromise between orion and V2)
BUT i have a question.. how come it is that i Cant tell any difference between the sound signatures when used on a Rpi2? On my "normal" rpi, it is quite easy to tell the difference, but with the Rpi 2, the signatures does not make any difference at all. Am i the only one that can't get it to work properly?

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Rune Frost, Denmark
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Re: Sound signatures?

Postby hansh64 » 15 Dec 2015, 09:17


I am still curious for an answer on Frost_dk's and my posts. As Frost_dk mentions, I cannot hear any differences on a RPi2. Unfortunately I don't own an older version RPi to compare with. Strangely enough, just for fun I installed MPD on an OSMC installation (based on Raspbian) and I could tell the difference! RuneAudio sounds better!!

Till now, I haven't been able to find a better sounding solution for audio playback than RuneAudio!

Anyone from developers team?

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Re: Sound signatures?

Postby Aquarius » 15 Dec 2015, 10:39

hansh64 wrote:Hi,

I am still curious for an answer on Frost_dk's and my posts. As Frost_dk mentions, I cannot hear any differences on a RPi2. Unfortunately I don't own an older version RPi to compare with. Strangely enough, just for fun I installed MPD on an OSMC installation (based on Raspbian) and I could tell the difference! RuneAudio sounds better!!

Till now, I haven't been able to find a better sounding solution for audio playback than RuneAudio!

Anyone from developers team?


When the Pi2 arrived, they said the Pi2 had ditched linear regulators for switching devices for the internal voltage regulation. They shaved almost 1W of average power consumption with this change but it may be why you have less details (i.e. less capability to differentiate the sound signatures?) . I can't test that idea, though, as I don't have a Pi2. I only have a B (not "+") with the orignial Hifiberry Digi.
-- Aquarius
Hifi Gear: RuneAudio/Volumio on Raspberry Pi B + Hifibery Digi, Atoll ST200 (network streamer, DAC, pre-amp), Emotiva XPA-2, Bowers & Wilkins 683
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Re: Sound signatures?

Postby hansh64 » 15 Dec 2015, 11:18

Aquarius wrote:
hansh64 wrote:Hi,

I am still curious for an answer on Frost_dk's and my posts. As Frost_dk mentions, I cannot hear any differences on a RPi2. Unfortunately I don't own an older version RPi to compare with. Strangely enough, just for fun I installed MPD on an OSMC installation (based on Raspbian) and I could tell the difference! RuneAudio sounds better!!

Till now, I haven't been able to find a better sounding solution for audio playback than RuneAudio!

Anyone from developers team?


When the Pi2 arrived, they said the Pi2 had ditched linear regulators for switching devices for the internal voltage regulation. They shaved almost 1W of average power consumption with this change but it may be why you have less details (i.e. less capability to differentiate the sound signatures?) . I can't test that idea, though, as I don't have a Pi2. I only have a B (not "+") with the orignial Hifiberry Digi.

Hi Aquarius,

Do you think an older RPi might even sound better with linear regulators? Or has it something to do with the fact that I'm using USB sound?

Thanks for your reply!
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Re: Sound signatures?

Postby Frost_dk » 15 Dec 2015, 22:39

I got an answer in another thread, that states the reason why kernel optimizations is not working on rpi2. It is because of the "hardware ID" is not entered in the kernel optimizations file (orion.. something).


I am really looking forward to try to use the rpi2 instead of my original rpi. I have overclocked my rpi, and it is quite snappy when using RuneUi, already, so i am quite (very) satisfied with Runeaudios sound quality :)

Kind regards,
Rune Frost.
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Re: Sound signatures?

Postby allhifi » 21 Feb 2018, 11:40

ACX wrote:
asilker wrote:I'm surprised nobody has anything to say about this as one of the biggest draws to RA is the signal integrity and transparency

Hi: A bit late to the party (and post lol), but you;re right -a huge "draw" to Rune Audio.

I'm also a latecomer to streaming audio/Internet Radio, and as a result by sheer accident stumbled upon the "Kernel Settings" (from an alternative music player service) and was startled by SQ improvements brought forth by said player's "Low Latency" setting, compared to the Real Time option and one other (setting/option) I don't recall.

I'm using the very capable Gustard X-20 pro DAC in a nicely resolving hi-fi and look forward to exploring its various user settings along with that of Rune's. I've just switched to Orion (from Rune Audio) and it appears the more 'relaxed'. Remarkably, I just installed a driver update for the X-20's XMOS USB section -Ithought it was up/running ?

So much to still learn ...

peter jasz
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