FULL system lock passing from one track at other one !

ODROID related support

FULL system lock passing from one track at other one !

Postby frengo » 03 Oct 2016, 19:58

Hello everyone.

I am a happy user of RuneAudio on my C1+ ODROID with hi-fi shield, but since a few weeks I have a problem that I could not solve.

Until my audio .wav files were a few I put them on a 64GB USB flash drive and I performed the playlist from this storage.

Now that the capacity of may USB stick is insufficient I put my files on a 500GB 2.5" HDD but you can only hear one after the other without touching anything.
Just I want to go to another track without hear entire running track the device ALL FUNCTIONS are locked !!!

The music comes and goes continuously, the device is not more reached via GUI browser or via Putty and to reach it I must every time disconnect the power supply and plugging it in again.

I am the first who happen this problem ?

I can not more use Runeaudio.

I tried to reflash Runeaudio OS virgin iso on the SD card to see if the problem was caused by some of my mods but nothing to do: the problem remains.

I tried two C1+ Odroid with 4 different HDD drive, two USB 3.0 and two USB 2.0 and external power. No way.

I don't to know what I must to do to run Runeaudio.

Now I had to replace it again my HD drives by the USB stick but on the stick my .wav files are few.

My HDD are formatted in NTFS. I have to reformat it to FAT32 or other ?

Some idea ?

Thanks in advance.
Posts: 42
Joined: 04 Dec 2015, 19:03

Re: FULL system lock passing from one track at other one !

Postby hondagx35 » 03 Oct 2016, 21:38

Hi frengo,

for me it sounds like you have a power supply issue.

Are your HDDs powered by USB?
If so try a powered USB hub.

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Re: FULL system lock passing from one track at other one !

Postby frengo » 03 Oct 2016, 22:25

Thanks for the quick reply, Frank.

Since I have never used a USB hub...Before I buy it, I just want to have a confirm that it's suitable any type or brand of USB hub or must I use a certain type of USB hub ?

Thank you.
Posts: 42
Joined: 04 Dec 2015, 19:03

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