User-to-user support

Help wanted! How to contribute to RuneAudio project

User-to-user support

Postby ACX » 02 Nov 2014, 12:51

A great way to contribute to RuneAudio is helping other users to find answers in the forum.
It will save us a lot of time and will allow us to focus on the active development of the software instead.

Most active and helpful users will be recognized and rewarded with the forum moderator role :ugeek:

  • Always reply with accurate instruction/hints/solutions, because inaccurate or misleading answers will bring even more questions
  • Point other users to already existing topics/posts which are about the same issue - it will keep the forum cleaner and better organized
  • Keep contents up to date, for example marking old topics as DONE/SOLVED (in particular in Bug report and Feature request forums) and linking the feature announcement or the issue solution.
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