The Raspberry Pi 3

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Re: The Raspberry Pi 3

Postby Dohmar » 08 Apr 2016, 15:41

LogPi wrote:
Dohmar wrote:
LogPi wrote:When you say that the quality of the Pi3 is not what studios expect. Do you have in mind an alternative ?

Hi LogPi
I think Pete was referring to the sound that comes out of the pi by itself, which is only 12 bit. CD audio is around 16 bit but some of the DAC HATS and usb DACs can go all the way to 32bit. Studio quality is generally 24bit.


Ah ok ! Thanks. So I he was not talking about the use of a Pi3 with a usb dac ?

Well I can't speak for Pete, but a USB Dac is generally very high quality, although a pi Hat that uses the i2s GPIO pins is an even better solution (it reduces cpu overheads as well as separates the digital clock and the digital audio)

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Re: The Raspberry Pi 3

Postby LogPi » 08 Apr 2016, 15:48

Ok. Thanks!
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Re: The Raspberry Pi 3

Postby jakku » 10 Apr 2016, 11:01

Anyone got a problem with RPi3 stream via AirPlay ? Device not appear in airplay device selection.. Ony iPhone and my receivier...
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Re: The Raspberry Pi 3

Postby LogPi » 10 Apr 2016, 13:15

Airplay works like a charm on my Pi3.

The only problem I had with the last revision of RuneAudio was the one I mentioned earlier: music stopped after a while. But the problem was due to the use of minimserver with minimstreamer. Now that I only have minimserver, everything is ok... including Airplay.
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Re: The Raspberry Pi 3

Postby MrDerp » 10 Apr 2016, 17:44

Well music does occasionally break up - in my case this probably due to Wi-Fi connection.
Have just discovered an interesting bug: channels sometimes change places. When you stop and play again or rewind everything gets ok. Pi3 + Iqaudio DAC+, v0.3-beta (23/03/2016).
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Re: The Raspberry Pi 3

Postby tobvc » 10 Apr 2016, 18:28

MrDerp wrote:Have just discovered an interesting bug: channels sometimes change places. When you stop and play again or rewind everything gets ok.

With my configuration (Pi 3 + Hifiberry Dac+ pro) Ariplay is unusable because of that behaviour. Channel swaps happen multiple times per second. Interestingly, this even happens (less often) to local 16 bit audio content.

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Re: The Raspberry Pi 3

Postby SimonDechain » 13 Apr 2016, 22:01

Hello hondagx35,
I'm using your image from 14 Mar 2016 and it works like a treat. I don't know if you have tried to further enable the bluetooth module on the rpi3, so I'll just post my findings here. Perhaps it is of some help (and if not, then at least I've learned a bit more about bluez and about building packages on Arch :D)

I've compiled the following information as best as I could, but I'll not take any responsibility for your actions. Always remember to take a backup of your system before doing anything with pacman or be prepared to cry, wipe and start over (trust me, I know what I'm talking about...).
Also, since RuneAudio (or better mpd-rune) does not use pulseaudio, the use cases for the bluetooth'll be limited.

So now for some fun... For the rpi3 bluetooth to work, one need all patches from pelwell ( applied to the bluez (I used 5.39) package. The PKGBUILD file to create the modified bluez package. I've uploaded it to a gist, since the board does not allow me to upload files without extensions

bluez: ... e-pkgbuild

On raspbian, the systemd service "pi-bluetooth.hciuart.service" is responsible of loading the firmware over hci before the bluetooth service starts up. It can be found in the package pi-bluetooth (source is here: ... bluetooth/) under the BSD3 license. Unfortunately the source-path in the copyright points to 404 ( So I've created a custom package, which gets the source code from the debian repo and assembles an arch package out of it (not my preffered option, but it does the job):

pi-bluetooth: ... le-pkbuild

I used makepkg to build both packages directly on the rpi3 and since arch has a fabulous wiki about the packaging tool, I won't dwell on it. Basically issue "makepkg", then install all missing dependencies and after the package is build install them with "pacman -U <package-name>" (I just love makepkg, in contrast debian package seem like using sticks and stones). To speed up the build process, enable parallelisation by modifying the following line in the /etc/makepkg.conf to read like this:
Code: Select all

To be on the safe sind, enable the bluetooth service by calling "systemctl enable bluetooth". I took be almost an hours to realise why bluetoothctl did not work. Save yourself the time...

After that, restart your pi and keep your fingers crossed. Issue "hciconfig hci0" and look at the output, it should be something like this:
Code: Select all
hci0:   Type: BR/EDR  Bus: UART
        BD Address: B8:27:EB:70:76:87  ACL MTU: 1021:8  SCO MTU: 64:1

If it did not work, consult dmesg to see, if the drivers were loaded correctly. If not, issue "systemctl --failed" to see, if any of the new services failed to start.

If all went well, then it's time to take the module out for a spin. Now you should try run bluetoothctl and pair your headset. But as stated above, you'll not hear any sound, since bluez5 only supports pulseaudio.

I'm currently working on changing my pi to support both alsa and pulseaudio (yeah I know, latency and no, I don't care :) ) output. I'll propably give dmix (or pulseaudio-alsa, whichever works better) a spin as I also want to use my system as A2DP sink (so my friends can stream music over bluetooth). After (or if) I succeed, I'll start a thread describing the hack, if there is demand.
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Re: The Raspberry Pi 3

Postby osanto » 17 Apr 2016, 00:22

Using my setup:
Pi 3 + Digi+
Connected with optical cabel to my Athem Amp

I tried some audio samples 24/48 - 24/96 - 24/192 - 24/352

I Have this problem, I can only receive sound on my Anthem to the max of 24/96 with the optical/digi+, if I change it to HDMI output i can receive sound on all formats but my amp only receives the max of 48 kHz (throw HDMI)

Is it the optical cable? bad quality? some limitation? I just don´t receive any sound, but the Runeaudio plays it with no problem.

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Re: The Raspberry Pi 3

Postby PeteB » 17 Apr 2016, 00:28

osanto wrote:...
I Have this problem, I can only receive sound on my Anthem to the max of 24/96 with the optical/digi+ ...

There is some information about that on the HiFiBerry web site. You can start with their FAQ, and then do a search in the DIGI+ forum, too. (there may not be a simple answer)
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Re: The Raspberry Pi 3

Postby osanto » 17 Apr 2016, 12:06

PeteB wrote:
osanto wrote:...
I Have this problem, I can only receive sound on my Anthem to the max of 24/96 with the optical/digi+ ...

There is some information about that on the HiFiBerry web site. You can start with their FAQ, and then do a search in the DIGI+ forum, too. (there may not be a simple answer)

I tried the coaxial cable with the digi+ and the now I can see on my Amp the 24/192 information but still no sound, only receive sound with 24/96

I will look for answers.
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