Current build version: janui-20231210-6
Way back in 2018 we published RuneAudio 0.5b. In the meantime, lots has happened, Rern has developed his own version, and we continued plugging away at the Classic RuneAudio version. The 0.6b version was nearly published several times, but we were repeatedly caught out by some sort of technical change which caused delays. We now have something stable which we would like to share with you.
RuneAudio 0.6b will run on all Raspberry Pi hardware types, except the new Pi 5B. There are now two versions:
• A RPiOS-bullseye 32-bit version which will run on all Raspberry Pi hardware, except the Pi 5B.
• An ARCH-aarch64 64-bit version which will run on the Pi 3A+, 3B+, 4B & Zero 2W hardware.
There are some differences between the images, but they are functionally the same. Some features are disabled when the RPiOS version is used on the slower single processor models.
We are still making small improvements to the images. After setting up your installation you can use the git pull function in the /dev UI to upgrade to the latest version. For instructions see here: ... rd-updates. The current build version is mentioned in the first line of this post. Your current version van be seen in the Debug UI, Build version: janui-20231210-x.
Here is the changelog for 0.5b > 0.6b: ... b_0.6b.txt
Here is the issue list concerning 0.6b: ... t_0.6b.txt
Messages concerning bugs, issues, problems, and all other comments are all welcome. Please use the forum.
We are currently testing a version for the Raspberry Pi 5B, this will be available early in the new year.
Have fun,
janui & Gearhead
Here are the download links and SHA-256 hashes:
RPiOS-bullseye 32bit for all Raspberry Pi hardware, except the Pi 5B (600+ downloads):
Download link: ... mg.xz/file
Filename: 20231210_runeaudio_rpiALL_b.img.xz
Download size: 841,701kB
SHA-256 of the xz: 1A965CA8B97700C206D32E01CCBA473CB4D1C84261823A5040DA3F639AC99D9B
SHA-256 of the img: FE19D4A35351B98F577219A710A3FE9A2041A5F7A5E54E4870B1133ACC0A31BC
ARM ARCH aarch64 64bit for the Raspberry Pi 3A+, 3B+, 4B & Zero 2W hardware (400+ downloads):
Download link: ... mg.xz/file
Filename: 20231210_runeaudio_rpi64_b.img.xz
Download size: 746,001kB
SHA-256 of the xz: DBE0A340A07DFA220AD8B21BD63F03CF4F6D6178265CE79F9BF500C5C6762829
SHA-256 of the img: 6F1EB633CAFDFE6C1BD0637F88867115BC28A1F28281D9629E4BB6A87BC8F168
The images are designed to fit on a 8Gb Micro-SD card.
The first boot of the image takes quite a while, it can take 5 minutes on the single processor hardware, have patience.