Run Arduino IDE headless in UDOO x86?

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Run Arduino IDE headless in UDOO x86?

Postby santiagoward » 13 Sep 2024, 08:21


I am currently working on a project that I wanted to use a Raspberry Pi for, but because they're out of stock everywhere, I dug up my UDOOx86.

Now, I know it's possible to install the Arduino IDE on an Ubuntu Desktop, so that I can use the Arduino side of the UDOO. Just doing that is difficult enough because there's very little documentation for the UDOO.

Now, I would really prefer running Ubuntu Server on the UDOO, because I don't wanna have to plug in a keyboard, mouse, and monitor, plus, I'd preferably keep the UDOO in a room that doesn't have those things. Therefore, using SSH to run things from the command line would be much easier.

However, I cannot find anything at all on the internet about uploading Arduino sketches on the UDOOx86 using just the command line.

Does anyone have any experience with the UDOO and can give me some pointers? I'm experienced enough with linux, and I'm not afraid of the command line. Any tips will help, even if you just have an idea of where I might find information about this problem.
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Joined: 13 Sep 2024, 08:19

Re: Run Arduino IDE headless in UDOO x86?

Postby LeighP » 17 Sep 2024, 21:32

If you've not read my other postings - this forum is pretty much abandoned so I don't feel you'll gain any responses from here as most users have also left.

Good luck with your project :D - the new place for rAudio.
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Joined: 27 Jan 2018, 10:27
Location: United Kingdom

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