RPi + Runeaudio +Wifi as Accesspoint

Raspberry Pi related support

RPi + Runeaudio +Wifi as Accesspoint

Postby Stino » 10 Mar 2015, 18:34

I'd like to make a portable DAP with the RPI and a dac connected via I2S with it's own USB dongle for storage and a battery. Connect to the RPI via a phone or tablet via Wifi. So the wireless interface is only there for control not to stream content.

Therefor I'd like to configure an Accesspoint on top of the Runeaudio image. The question is, will this work or will it mess up Runeaudio?

This instruction looks good:
https://learn.adafruit.com/setting-up-a ... l-software

Any suggestions?
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Re: RPi + Runeaudio +Wifi as Accesspoint

Postby cmh714 » 11 Mar 2015, 03:34

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Re: RPi + Runeaudio +Wifi as Accesspoint

Postby BAZA » 11 Mar 2015, 10:51

It's my own way to setting Wireless LAN 802.11N -Realtek RTL8188CU chip used on RuneAudio.
I was modified two files related netwoork profile.
In Putty program SSH conected.

cd / ↓
cd /usr/lib/network ↓
nano globals↓
done < find -L " )"
#This line texts revised like bottom texts -122nd line rows or nearby in terminal.
find -L " "
# Remove last syntex )

ctrl + o ↓
ctrl + x ​↓

cd /↓
cd /usr/bin↓
nano wifi-menu↓
done < < (list_profiles)
#This line texts revised like bottom texts - 62nd line rows or nearby in terminal.
done < "list_profiles"
ctrl + o ↓
ctrl + x ​↓
sh wifi-menu -o↓

#OK and SAVE on screen.
ls /etc/netctl↓
# Identify Wireless Network Profile Name "wlan0-iptime" (iptime : MyWirelessNetwork)
netctl start wlan0-iptime↓
shutdown -r now↓
# It will reboot.
Chrome Browser > Rune Audio > "MENU" dropdown menu . "Network" button click.
Scanning work processed. Wire network and wireless network Conected. Setting finished.

"MENU" > "Turn off" > "REBOOT"

# In Putty program SSH conected

ifconfig ↓

# Check wireless IP address.

"MENU" > "Turn off" > "POWER OFF"

# Remove Ethernet -wire network line.
# Power on.

Chrome > "http:// "Wireless IP address" > Play Rune Audio'UI

Fin. Thanks!
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Re: RPi + Runeaudio +Wifi as Accesspoint

Postby Stino » 11 Mar 2015, 15:38

Great to read this will work, I'll give it a go.

Thanks guys.
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Joined: 26 May 2014, 15:09

Re: RPi + Runeaudio +Wifi as Accesspoint

Postby JoJoWhatsUp » 09 Aug 2016, 16:09

The introduction from BAZA is to set WLAN in a strange way (maybe for an older version of runeAudio)

It would be a great feature, if the rune-audio dev. team will implement the access-point (dhcp-server) in the webinterface.

best regards
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Re: RPi + Runeaudio +Wifi as Accesspoint

Postby johnbanks » 10 Aug 2016, 14:23

I second that request.

But this looks promising ...

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Re: RPi + Runeaudio +Wifi as Accesspoint

Postby hondagx35 » 10 Aug 2016, 15:00

Hi all,

i have a first demo running on my RP2 with latest image.
It works like this:
- after booting the system tests if an IP address is assigned on one of the interfaces (eth and wlan).
- if no IP is assigned the system starts an AccessPoint (AP) on interface wlan0.
- wlan does not switch back to station mode until you reboot
- you can not scan the nearby APs while in this mode (technical reason)

Is this what you like to have, or do you need more?
Should we start the AP even if an IP is assigned to ethernet?
Do we need the AP "bridged" or "NATed" over ethernet?

Please let me know your opinion.

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Re: RPi + Runeaudio +Wifi as Accesspoint

Postby johnbanks » 10 Aug 2016, 22:46

Frank ...

Firstly thx for being so responsive and for all you do on the forum and in developing RuneAudio.

My inclination is to keep things as simple as possible – at lot of users will want RuneAudio in a car or holiday home, etc without wifi. So no internet sharing and no music streamed over a network but just from a USB stick or drive. And probably no need even for a security passphrase.

The following link is informative ...

It gives a good reminder that your wireless adaptor must support AP operating mode and perhaps for using a NATed arrangement.

Keeping it simple & user friendly suggests to me there should be a separate ‘non streaming’ image in addition to the current ‘streaming’ image.

Hope this helps

PS: the link above refers to the create_ap script used by cmh714 in his procedure which I’ll try over the next few days:

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Re: RPi + Runeaudio +Wifi as Accesspoint

Postby hondagx35 » 10 Aug 2016, 23:16

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Re: RPi + Runeaudio +Wifi as Accesspoint

Postby dror » 12 Aug 2016, 15:34

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