JSON error after booting the last pi-64bit-image 20230521

Raspberry Pi related support

JSON error after booting the last pi-64bit-image 20230521

Postby Matt-Eagle » 20 Jun 2023, 18:55

Hi everyone, I got an issue with the image "rAudio-64bit-20230521.img".
Could you built a new image-file? Or how do I fix this? Pleas help. Thank you.

Heres the log:

Errors: Unexpected token 'U', "Updating D"... is not valid JSON CopyXUpdating DB (#2) ...
"player" : "mpd"
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"playlists" : 0
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, "updating_db" : true
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, "volume" : 86
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, "webradio" : false
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"album": true,
"albumartist": true,
"albumbyartist": false,
"artist": true,
"audiocdplclear": false,
"backonleft": false,
"bars": true,
"barsalways": false,
"buttons": true,
"camilladsp": false,
"composer": true,
"conductor": true,
"count": true,
"cover": true,
"covervu": false,
"date": true,
"fixedcover": true,
"genre": true,
"hidecover": false,
"label": true,
"latest": true,
"multiraudio": false,
"nas": true,
"noswipe": false,
"playbackswitch": true,
"playlists": true,
"plclear": true,
"plsimilar": true,
"radioelapsed": false,
"sd": true,
"tapaddplay": false,
"tapreplaceplay": false,
"time": true,
"usb": true,
"volume": true,
"vumeter": false,
"webradio": true
, "audiocd" : false
, "camilladsp" : false
, "color" : ""
, "dabradio" : false
, "equalizer" : false
, "multiraudio" : false
, "relays" : false
, "screenoff" : false
, "snapclient" : false
, "volumenone" : false
, "repeat" : false
, "random" : false
, "single" : false
, "file" : ""
, "pllength" : 0
, "song" : 0
, "state" : "stop"
, "timestamp" : 1687280513977
, "coverart" : ""
, "hostname" : "HIFI-PI"
, "ip" : "xxx.xx.xxx.xxx"
, "login" : false }```
Posts: 1
Joined: 04 Nov 2021, 15:38

Re: JSON error after booting the last pi-64bit-image 2023052

Postby LeighP » 16 Jul 2023, 22:34

I had similar while doing a library update.
https://github.com/rern/rAudio - the new place for rAudio.
Posts: 96
Joined: 27 Jan 2018, 10:27
Location: United Kingdom

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