Error message on mpd clients: Stored playlists are disabled

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Error message on mpd clients: Stored playlists are disabled

Postby LittlePapaJohn » 05 Oct 2020, 22:40

Dear RuneAudio Forum,
I really like the way RuneAudio is set-up. It worked almost out of the box except for playlists on MPD clients.
I tried Ymuse to create playlists and I get an error message 'Stored playlists are disabled'. If I go to RuneAudio on either my desktop via the browser or on android I'm able to save playlist and to find them again.
Those playlists are however not showing in clients like MPDroid or Ymuse and if I run a script on Home assistant it gives me the same error message.
I cannot find any solutions in the forum on this issue.
Any other information you need from me to look into this issue or provide guidance on how to solve this.

Hardware: Raspberry Pi 3 Model B Plus Rev 1.3
Audio output: headphone
RuneAudio: e5 20200927

Thanks, John
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Joined: 05 Oct 2020, 21:59

Re: Error message on mpd clients: Stored playlists are disab

Postby rern » 06 Oct 2020, 07:40

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Re: Error message on mpd clients: Stored playlists are disab

Postby LittlePapaJohn » 07 Oct 2020, 17:50

Thanks for the fast reply to this. I updated the server yesterday but somehow lost my library I updated it and today I updated the server with the new version. I tried the import function with both versions and I get an error message for all playlists:

error adding [: No such directory
PHP Notice: Undefined index: name in /srv/http/mpdplaylist.php on line 167

I also tried to create a playlist in Ymuse and still get the same error as in the title.

Best regards, John
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Joined: 05 Oct 2020, 21:59

Re: Error message on mpd clients: Stored playlists are disab

Postby LittlePapaJohn » 09 Oct 2020, 17:51

Dear all,

I was looking at the MPD website and the manuals. I found a solution to the issue of not being able to generate playlists from other clients than Rune Audio.
I added the following line to the mpd.conf:
Code: Select all
playlist_directory   "/srv/http/data/playlists"

Not sure it helped but I also made the directory read and write for all via the terminal with the following command.
Code: Select all
chmod a+rw /srv/http/data/playlists -R

The playlists are then still not visible in clients. I converted them manually as I had issues with the plugin proposed with the following steps:
In RuneAudio load a Playlist
Save that loaded playlist in for example Ymuse.
It creates a file with m3u extension in the directory above.
I deleted the playlists without extension in RuneAudio
The generated playlists work in all clients.

Hope this helps people with similar issues.
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Joined: 05 Oct 2020, 21:59

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