Feature request - Guest Mode or Wishlist

Suggestions/requests/ideas for RuneAudio core features and functions

Feature request - Guest Mode or Wishlist

Postby Kakaomonster » 24 Nov 2016, 05:02

Good Morning together,

1. I'm new here and I'm a new user of RuneAudio. I tested a lot of SW like this in the Last weeks, but RA is for me the best I've ever seen.

TOP DEVELOPER, TOP TEAM - Thank you and I Hope we Never Seen the end of this Great SW

Now To My question:

I'm looking for a Guest Access or Better a wishlist.
- Connect via Mobile phone, TABLET, PC ... what ever to RuneAudio
- Search for a Song
- When you find the Song you can ONLY klick to "Send to wishlist" or something similar, then a window or popup IS Open to put your Name or nickname inside and your wish IS send.

As a Guest you can make NOTHING Else, no Play, no stop, no Skip... nothing.

You can only Search in the mediathek and See the results and maybe you can see the Playlist to Check how much Tracks Come bevor or maybe IS there the Track you looking for.

As Admin or normal User you Seen RuneAudio in normal Mode, but in the Menü IS a new Button for example "Wishlist"

Here you seen the wishes with name and time from the guests on the left, on the right you see in green "yes", in red "no" in yellow "later" to klick.

yes - the track goes in the playlist as next sobg
no - delete track from list
later - a popup or new site open and you can choose the time to play this track and then the track goes arround this time in the Playlist

Maybe it IS a good idea that you can see the time in Playlist when the tracks are coming.

Maybe it IS possible for a minimal Change ob the System, that there IS for this a new site like "wishlist.php" with only the Guest things and the requests without anything other so Nobody Knies or see the real RuneAudio site and another site "wishes.php" for the normal users.

So I can give the wishlist.php URL to the Guest. OK it IS NOT Save I Know, but for the Beginn ok :-)

I have Ideas, I can test it,I make bugreporting and I can Check this with a lot of People in a bar, BUT I don't Know how can I make this.

Maybe something like this exists or IS there somewhere who have fun to make this or IS it interessted for the Community? I Hope so!

At the end, sorry for the bad englisch!

Thanks and hopefuly for an fast answer,
yours Kakaomonster - Ralf
Posts: 5
Joined: 24 Nov 2016, 01:22

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