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Re: [Addon] RuneUI Enhancement

PostPosted: 28 Nov 2017, 19:25
by R101
Sorry rern, but I am not clear about the situation.

My version (20171128) of addons menu works perfectly well so long as I do not update the enhancements addon. Should I now be able to update enhancements without problems, or is the spinner problem due to something which is not corrected by the automatic addons update?

Addons was updated when I clicked the menu today so I tried updating the enhancements. This resulted in the spinning symbols again, so I reverted to the previous working image. I am not sure whether you are saying the uninstall/reinstall of addons is needed even if if Rune is working, or just for those stuck with a non-working installation.

Re: [Addon] RuneUI Enhancement

PostPosted: 29 Nov 2017, 03:24
by rern
@s.k. & @R101,

I've just tried:
- virgin RuneAudio 0.4b on RPi 3
- SSH > install Addons Menu
- Addons Menu > install RuneUI Enhancement >> OK
- Addons Menu > uninstall & reinstall RuneUI Enhancement multiple times >> OK
- SSH uninstall > reinstall Addons Menu multiple times >> OK

The issue was narrowed down to 3 files which recent updates left some lines behind:
header.php - top-bottom bar
playback.php - main content
footer.php - javascript references

1. clear OPCache
- SSH: systemctl reload php-fpm > refresh browser

2. silver bullet:
- SSH uninstall > reinstall Addons Menu
- browser URL: < RuneAudio IP >/restoreui.php > the files restored to default
- Menu > Addons > (Addons Menu install) > update installed addons

3. start a virgin RuneAudio

Re: [Addon] RuneUI Enhancement

PostPosted: 29 Nov 2017, 05:50
by s.k.
ok then,
- virgin RuneAudio 0.4b on RPi 2
- SSH > install Addons Menu
- Addons Menu > install RuneUI Enhancement > OK

RuneUI works just fine!

Change Network to Static >reboot> Endless spinning

I don’t know what to say…

Re: [Addon] RuneUI Enhancement

PostPosted: 29 Nov 2017, 11:52
by R101
Just in case it is significant, I use a fixed IP too.

Re: [Addon] RuneUI Enhancement

PostPosted: 01 Dec 2017, 03:07
by rern
FauDrei wrote:...
If in Browse Library panel you use "search in DB..." (NAS over ethernet in my case) and afterwards close search results to return to normal library browsing - index bar covers action menus ("hamburgers") of all items in your library list. This makes almost impossible to access action menu of library list items. Page refresh do restore initial normal list state (list items with visible action menu "hamburgers" and index bar), but it is a clumsy way to recover...

The missing ≡ hambergers/context menus are back.
Please update and report.

Re: [Addon] RuneUI Enhancement

PostPosted: 02 Dec 2017, 01:10
by FauDrei
rern wrote:The missing ≡ hambergers/context menus are back.
Please update and report.

Updated. Issue fix confirmed.

Thanks r e r n

Re: [Addon] RuneUI Enhancement

PostPosted: 02 Dec 2017, 12:38
by R101
rern wrote:@s.k. & @R101,

I've just tried:
- virgin RuneAudio 0.4b on RPi 3
- SSH > install Addons Menu
- Addons Menu > install RuneUI Enhancement >> OK
- Addons Menu > uninstall & reinstall RuneUI Enhancement multiple times >> OK
- SSH uninstall > reinstall Addons Menu multiple times >> OK

The issue was narrowed down to 3 files which recent updates left some lines behind:
header.php - top-bottom bar
playback.php - main content
footer.php - javascript references

1. clear OPCache
- SSH: systemctl reload php-fpm > refresh browser

2. silver bullet:
- SSH uninstall > reinstall Addons Menu
- browser URL: < RuneAudio IP >/restoreui.php > the files restored to default
- Menu > Addons > (Addons Menu install) > update installed addons

3. start a virgin RuneAudio

Hi rern,

I have now tried all these options without success. A new install seemed to work well at first (although importing web radio failed as it seemed to try and update itself rather than run the import script).

I added a network mount and clicked on rebuild MPD library. Nothing happened but, when I tried to return to the playback page, all I got was the spinning icons.

I did the restoreui.php, which worked, and removed the network mount. Rebuild MPD worked OK. I installed the enhanced UI from the addon menu and got the spinning icons again.

This is really frustrating. Could there be a problem with one of the mirrors not updating? Ranking them puts .nl at the top of my list.

Re: [Addon] RuneUI Enhancement

PostPosted: 02 Dec 2017, 13:56
by hondagx35
Hi R101,

i did some tests with my image (RuneAudio_rpi2_rp3_0.4-beta_20170229_2GB.img) and all works like it should.
Have you tried different browsers?


Re: [Addon] RuneUI Enhancement

PostPosted: 02 Dec 2017, 14:16
by R101

I have tried desktop Firefox and an Android tablet. Neither will connect.

Are there any settings which could cause this? I have only the time and top-bottom menu showing on the playback page.

Re: [Addon] RuneUI Enhancement

PostPosted: 02 Dec 2017, 14:34
by rern

Try with local storage (SD card) music files :
- virgin RuneAudio
- copy some music files to /mnt/MPD/LocalStorage
- rebuild library

If default is OK:
- install Addons Menu
- install RuneUI Enhancement

Then try mount network share.
