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Feature Request: Player Name on UI home screen

PostPosted: 01 Apr 2016, 21:48
by jcoman
I wanted to suggest that there be a player name that is displayed on the UI home screen/header bar. I currently have 4 different pi's running Rune, and when I have the default UI up, there is no way to tell which player I'm talking to (I have the UI page added to homescreen from Chrome on Android, so none of the browser chrome (i.e., address bar) is visible).

I did manage to work around it by modifying one of the files (i think it was index.html/php, but it was a while ago) to put the player name in the upper left corner. However, it doesn't work very well on phone screens (or other screens that are too narrow) because it gets shoved behind the RuneAudio logo (I couldn't figure out how the style/CSS worked on that).

I think it might be useful for users to be able to modify that text from the settings menu (like where you set the player name), so that it's easy to tell which player you are currently talking to.

Re: Feature Request: Player Name on UI home screen

PostPosted: 03 Apr 2016, 01:16
by hondagx35
Hi jcoman,

thanks for the feature request.

As a workaround for now you can try this:
- change /srv/http/index.php
Code: Select all
// activePlayer
$activePlayer = $redis->get('activePlayer');

Code: Select all
// activePlayer
$activePlayer = $redis->get('activePlayer');
$template->hostname = $redis->get('hostname');

and /srv/http/app/templates/header.php
Code: Select all
<div id="menu-top">
    <div class="dropdown">
      <a id="menu-settings" class="dropdown-toggle" role="button" data-toggle="dropdown" data-target="#" href="#">MENU <i class="fa fa-bars dx"></i></a>

Code: Select all
<div id="menu-top">
    <div class="dropdown">
      <a id="menu-settings" class="dropdown-toggle" role="button" data-toggle="dropdown" data-target="#" href="#"><?=$this->hostname ?><i class="fa fa-bars dx"></i></a>

This will replace "MENU" by the players hostname.


Re: Feature Request: Player Name on UI home screen

PostPosted: 09 Apr 2016, 01:44
by ACX
Hi jcoman,
As you are using Android you could use the RuneAudio Remote Control for Android to easily switch between multiple players.

Re: Feature Request: Player Name on UI home screen

PostPosted: 09 Apr 2016, 02:52
by jcoman
Thanks ACX, I'll give that a try.

edit: I tried the Android Remote Control, and (after adding in the service as suggested in the install instructions) it worked perfectly. It still doesn't show the player name without pulling up the app's menu, so I'm going to try Frank's suggestion.

edit: I tried Frank's Idea, and it worked perfectly. I just put in the player name directly because it was different than the hostname that I use to identify the device on the network. Now the only thing that's missing is the lockscreen controls :mrgreen:

Thanks for all your hard work guys! #ThumbsUp!