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Contribute to RuneUI repository on GitHub

PostPosted: 22 Sep 2014, 00:05
by ACX
You can help RuneAudio's development by contributing to RuneUI repository on GitHub.
You can help to fix existing issues or submitting new ones to point out bugs.

Re: Contribute to RuneUI repository on GitHub

PostPosted: 28 Sep 2016, 21:32
by spencerandhill
I want to contribute to RuneAudio-Project.
I saw, that the last commit on github is 2 years ago. Is the project still active?

This is my first github-project contribution, could you please provide a small how-to?
At my job i work with a local svn repository, but i also worked with github in private projects. Also i think I don't need advise for setting up the workspace, it's just the Question: Am I able to commit on the github-repo without any permissions?


Re: Contribute to RuneUI repository on GitHub

PostPosted: 28 Sep 2016, 22:15
by hondagx35
Hi spencerandhill,

welcome to Rune Audio.

I saw, that the last commit on github is 2 years ago. Is the project still active?

The latest images of Rune Audio (RP2/3 and ODROID C1 / C2) are based on the dev version.
The dev version has latest commit on Aug 27 2016.

Am I able to commit on the github-repo without any permissions?

I think best way to learn Github is to fork our repository and play with your own first.
You then can make a pull request to the official repository.

If you have questions feel free to contact me or ACX via PM as well.


Re: Contribute to RuneUI repository on GitHub

PostPosted: 01 Oct 2016, 18:55
by spencerandhill
Thank you Frank =)

Re: Contribute to RuneUI repository on GitHub

PostPosted: 11 Oct 2016, 21:54
by spencerandhill
It's me again ;)
I've now forked the Repo, cloned it to a local instance, installed node-packages via npm install, installed grunt and setup a workspace.

Now the important question: how do i start RuneAudio? I mean the nodejs-server. i can't find any app.js or something to start?!