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Willing tester for Cubox

PostPosted: 12 Jul 2014, 15:11
by cootcraig
I've got the hardware pieces in place:

* Cubox-I4Pro
* FiiO D3 (D03K) DAC with Optical Toslink interface.
* OpenMediaVault file server (CIFS) with audio files

I'm a long time Linux developer and willing to be a tester with this

I've started this thread for public discussion of how this goes. I'll let
ACX respond here as he feels appropriate. ACX, you can email me directly
to start a conversion with details.


Re: Willing tester for Cubox

PostPosted: 12 Jul 2014, 15:58
by ACX
Hi cootcraig,
your contribution to the project would be very appreciated. As I replied you here, the cookbook is coming soon, so you and others can help us to port RuneAudio to the CuBox-i in shorter times. Let's keep in contact for updates.

Re: Willing tester for Cubox

PostPosted: 12 Jul 2014, 17:18
by cootcraig
ACX wrote:Hi cootcraig,
your contribution to the project would be very appreciated. As I replied you here, the cookbook is coming soon, so you and others can help us to port RuneAudio to the CuBox-i in shorter times. Let's keep in contact for updates.

OK. I think I'll try and load Arch based on the solid-run notes here:

That will start my experience with the Cubox.

Actually, I need to back up and learn about the Cubox community and forums first, I
will want to start with whatever install the Cubox people have to get started.

Re: Willing tester for Cubox

PostPosted: 12 Jul 2014, 17:26
by ACX
Yes, that is the right approach. Also our building script will take the default Arch Linux install as starting point, so you can start with it.

Re: Willing tester for Cubox

PostPosted: 14 Jul 2014, 00:19
by cootcraig
ACX wrote:Yes, that is the right approach. Also our building script will take the default Arch Linux install as starting point, so you can start with it.

Nice. I have used those notes and have my first sign on from the Cubox-I4.

Re: Willing tester for Cubox

PostPosted: 14 Jul 2014, 17:13
by cootcraig
ACX wrote:Yes, that is the right approach. Also our building script will take the default Arch Linux install as starting point, so you can start with it.

I would like to look at the build script and package list for Raspberry Pi.
I want to play with Arch pacman installation and package building, and
also networking and audio playback to get acclimated. Knowing the
parts on the Raspberry Pi will be helpful.

I will be looking over the Raspberry Pi forum to see what is going on.

Re: Willing tester for Cubox

PostPosted: 14 Jul 2014, 19:45
by cootcraig
I can see I will have to try this.
1) Install mpd and dependencies
2) Run ncmpcpp from my workstation!
