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Optimal Raspberry Pi for Pihole?

PostPosted: 15 Apr 2024, 07:46
by TingxoGamchu
Seeking the Ideal Model Solely for Network Pihole Operation. Is the PI Zero W Sufficient? Deciding on the Best Raspberry Pi for Dedicated Pihole Usage. Guidance Needed on Selecting the Perfect Pi Model.

Re: Optimal Raspberry Pi for Pihole?

PostPosted: 08 May 2024, 11:14
by NeerMohan
Absolutely! A Pi Zero W is totally capable of running Pi-hole for your network. It's a great budget option and uses very little power.

Here's the thing: if you plan on just using it for Pi-hole, the Zero W is perfect. If you ever want to add other services or mess around with the web interface, a Raspberry Pi 3B+ or 4 would be a smoother experience.

Let me know if you think you might want to do more down the line, otherwise the Zero W rocks for Pi-hole!

Re: Optimal Raspberry Pi for Pihole?

PostPosted: 11 May 2024, 21:07
by LeighP
You can run PiHole on the the PiZeroW but I would recommend maybe a Pi3B with a hard wired connection.

Re: Optimal Raspberry Pi for Pihole?

PostPosted: 10 Jun 2024, 04:28
by kernuo
LeighP wrote:You can run PiHole on the the PiZeroW but I would recommend maybe a Pi3B with a hard wired connection. slice master

Thanks, I have tried and it's worked.

Re: Optimal Raspberry Pi for Pihole?

PostPosted: 31 Jul 2024, 18:49
by tsawyer
LeighP wrote:You can run PiHole on the the PiZeroW but I would recommend maybe a Pi3B with a hard wired connection.

that's pretty much what I have running on my network. haven't had any problems with that setup.

is this now the pi hole forum as well as rune?