I have just bough an NFB 28 which is pretty interesting DAC, It has a port (Ethernet or HDMI) used for tranmsission of I2S signal.
Audio GD mapping on HDMI
HDMI model pins define:
Pin 1 : SDATA - Pin 2 : GND Pin 3 : SDATA +
Pin 4 : SCLK + Pin 5 : GND Pin 6 : SCLK -
Pin 7 : LRCK - Pin 8 : GND Pin 9 : LRCK +
Pin 10: MCLK + Pin 11: GND Pin 12: MCLK -
Pin 13: NC Pin 14: NC Pin 15: NC
Pin 16: NC Pin 17: GND Pin 18: NC
Pin 19: Auto on control (Available in the input kit .Non use in the output kit, but can custom order.)
First of all it would be intersting to know if we can capture I2S signal of Raspberry from HDMI using an hand made cable even if I think not since the port in Raspy is used as standard HDMI
In alternative maybe is possible to understand where to wire on PI bus ...

Do you have any suggestion ?