by drfrink24 » 27 Mar 2019, 20:43
I've tried all the suggestions here, and I can't get HW volume control to work with HifiBerry Dac+ Pro and Pi2, I think its related to the fact that I can't get the audio_output mpd.config, as shown below from the guide to match the same syntax.
Any ideas?
#expected output
audio_output {
name "snd_rpi_hifiberry_dacplus"
type "alsa"
device "hw:1,0"
mixer_control "Master"
mixer_type "hardware"
mixer_device "hw:1"
auto_resample "no"
auto_format "no"
enabled "yes"
#my output
audio_output {
name "snd_rpi_hifiberry_dacplus"
type "alsa"
device "hw:1,0"
mixer_control "Digital"
mixer_type "hardware"
mixer_device "hw:1"
auto_resample "no"
auto_format "no"
enabled "yes"
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