Sound distortion when resuming from pause

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Sound distortion when resuming from pause

Postby epitaph » 16 Mar 2016, 12:43

Hi there,
I'm experiencing an issue when playing both MP3 and FLAC files using my Raspberry Pi Model B.
The issue usually appears when I pause and resume playing a track, I notice a distortion in the sound that sort of sounds like an echo or out of phase effect. If I pause and resume again one or more times, the problem eventually corrects, but then returns after one or more pause and resumes.
I notice that the problem can happen when stopping and playing, and can sometimes happen upon playing the track for the first time.

I am not using a DAC, but am using the analog output jack from the original RPi board.

Hardware: Raspberry Pi 1 Model B
Runeaudio: Latest version (updated git a few days ago)

Debug info below:

Please let me know if you require any further information.

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Joined: 12 Mar 2016, 14:43

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